Documents > Will relating to Thomas Pottrell, dated 20/01/1725

The below will was sourced from The National Archives (ref: 11/618) and was proved on 08/12/1727.

Person of interest / Location Details Notes
Henry Pottrell, Nephew Executor and beneficiary of:
· Lands and buildings in/around Chrishall
Thomas Pottrell, Nephew Executor and beneficiary of:
· Lands and buildings in/around Chrishall
John Watson Witness
Richard [Illegible] Witness
Sothey James Pigg Witness
Thomas Melvill Witness
Jacob Pottrell Witness
William Boyed Witness
Francis Pottrell, Nephew Beneficiary of:
· £50
In the name of God Amen The last will and Testament of Thomas Pottrell of Building End in the Parish of Chrissall in the County of Essex Gentleman as follows Imprimis I give and bequeth unto my Nephew Francis Pottrell the sum of fifty pounds that is to say ten pounds part thereof within one month next after my decease and the sums of ten pounds of the money that day twelve months yearly and every year until the said sum of fifty pounds be fully satisfied and paid Item all that Cottage or tenement with the Orchard thereunto adjoining and belonging situate and being in Church Street in the Parish of Chrisshall aforesaid now in the tenure or Occupation of Anne ??? Pottrell widow and Mary Barldmen? Widow and give roods of arable Land thereunto belonging lying in Mill Bottom in the Parish of Chrishall aforesaid and one half acre of arable land lying in Heydon field in the said County of Essex to the said Cottage belonging with their and every of their appurtenences I give and devide unto my Nephew Henry Pottrell and to his heirs and assigned for ever Item all the rest of my freehold and Copyhold Lands tenements and hereditaments woods and Wood Grounds whatsoever with their and every of their appurtenances aforesaid holder of the Manor of Chrishall and of the Manor of Flandend cum Chiswick I give and devise unto my Nephew Thomas Pottrell and to his heirs and assigned forever them all my goods and Chattels household goods, implements and utensils of household stock and moveable Goods of what nature or kind soever I give and bequeath unto my Nephews Henry Pottrell and Thomas Pottrell equally to be divided beteween them and I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Henry Pottrell and Thomas Pottrell joint executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking annulling and making void all and every former Will and Wills, Testament and Testments by me heretoforth made in writing whereof the said Thomas Pottrell the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal the one and twentyieth day of January in the twelfth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland defender of the faith anno dom 1725 the mark of Thomas Pottrell signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Potterell the Testator and for his last Will and Testament in the presure of us who afterwards in his presence subscribe our names as witnesses hereunto John Watson Richard [Illegible] Sothey James Pigg In the name of God Amen Whereas I Thomas Pottrell the within named Testator have in my last Will and Testament within written bequethed to my Nephew Henry Potterell and to his heirs and assigns forever all that Cottage or tenement with the Orchard thereunto ajoining and belonging situate and being in Church Street in the Parish of Chrishall within said now in the tenure or Occupation of Anne Pottrell widow and Mary Barlyman Widow and five roods of arable land thereunto belonging lying in Mill Bottom in the said Parish of Chrishall and one half acre of arable land lying in Heydon fields in the within said County of Essex I the said Thomas Pottrell the within written testator have upon most mature consideration by this Codicil to my within last Will and Testament afford and do hereby alter the about and within named part of my said Will and Testament in manner following that is to say that if my said Nephew Henry Pottrell dies without heirs by lawfull wedlock that then and in that case the above mentioned and within bequeathed Cottage Tenement and Orchard and Five roods of arable land and the above half acre in Heydon fields bequeathed by me to the said Henry Pottrell his heir and assigns I do hereby bequeth unto my within written Nephew Thomas Pottrell his heirs and assigns forever and in this and no other part do I alter and limit my within written Last Will and Testament hereby approving and satisfying all and every part thereof and I do hereby testify that the words interlined in the within Will were written lined by my consent before signed the within written will in writings whereof I the said Thomas Pottrel the within named Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelth day of June in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland defender of the faith anno dom 1727. Thomas Pottrell signed and sealed by the said Thomas Pottrell the testator in the presence of us Thomas Melvill Jacob Pottrell William Boyed

This section is written in latin, but appears to be:
Probatum fuit [Illegible] Tesamentum apud London nun Codicills annexs Ochard die monsie Decembise anno domini Millesino Septingentesinno vicesino Sephuis coram venerabili viro Dovardo Boltesworth Legun Dectoris Curix perogative [Illegible] Magistii Custodie sive Commissary legitine Consitue Burainwentie Henri Pottrell et Thomas Pottrell execurtorum ditto testamento nominat quilid commissa fuit administie annium et singularium jarving et Croditium dirk defeitive et bene et fedlite administando ad saruta die evanglia Curate.
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