Documents > Will relating to Thomas Pottrell, dated 25/05/1807

The below will was sourced from The National Archives (ref: 11/1610) and was proved on 16/11/1818.

Person of interest / Location Details Notes
John Calbert Esq Business
John Porter, Father-in-Law Relation
William Gorsuch Times, Friend, of Much Hadham Executor
Thomas Mask, Friend, of Whittesford Executor
John Chapman, Friend, of Great Hormead Executor (Revoked)
Richard Rickard, Friend, of Babraham Executor (Revoked)
Thomas Samuel Mott, of Much Hadham Witness
William Grimwood, of Much Hadham Witness
Thomas Morris, of Much Hadham Witness
Hannah Pottrell, Wife Beneficiary of:
· Lands, Household items, goods, furniture etc
· £2000
Thomas Porter Pottrell, Son Beneficiary of:
· £400 (From John Porter)
· £100
John Pottrell, Son Beneficiary of:
· £500 (From John Porter)
This is the last Will and testament of me Thomas Pottrell of Foulmire in the County of Cambridge Gentleman while Being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding Praised be almighty God for the same do make published and declare In mannor following that is to say first I authorise and direct my Executrix and Exors herein after named to pay off and discharge as soon as conveniently may be after my decease the mortgage upon and now affecting freehold farm and estate which I lately purchased of John Calbert Esquire situate lying and being in the parish of Furneaux Pelham in the county of Hertford and also to upon this farm and Estate called Sharps farm situate and being in the said parish of Furneuax Pelham which were devised to me and my dear wife Hannah Pottrell in and by the last Will and testament of John Porter her late father deceased out of my personal estate for the benefit of the person or persons Who shall be intitled to such esates respectively upon my death Also I give and bequeath to my said dear Wife all my household Goods and household furniture and implements of household stuff Plate Linen and things for her own absolute use and benefit and I direct the Same to be delivered to her immediately after my decease and I also give to my said Wife the sum of two thousand pounds of lawfulmoney of Great Britain to be paid to her at the expiration of twelve calendar months after my decease for her own proper use and whereas my said Wifes late father by his Will or a Codicil thereto bequeath with to my dear son Thomas Porter Pottrell the sum of four hundred pounds of lawful of the money of Great Britain and to my dear son John Pottrell the sum of five Hundred pounds of like money and direct the said Legaries to be Paid to my said sons respectively at their ages of one and twenty years As in the said Will or Codicil is expressed proved? do by this my Will In order to make the fortunes of my said children as equal as way be give and bequeath to my said son Thomas Porter Pottrell the sum of One hundred pounds and direct the same to be paid to him at his age of one and twenty years together with interest thereon after the date of five pounds percent per annum from the day of my decease and as for and convenient all my ready money and derivatives for money and monies in the public funds debts arrears of rent stocks in husbandry both alive and dead for goods chattels effects and personal esate whatsoever wherein before to and of what nature kind or Quality soever and whatsoever and wheresoever disposed of after payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and all the costs and charges of my executix and executors in proving this my will and executing the trusts hereof every thing relating thereto and after discharging the mortgage before informed to and all principal money and Interest due thereon at my decease and after payment of the several primary Legaries herein after bequeathed to my two exors I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof to my good friends Thomas Rickard of Babraham in the said county of Cambridge farmer and John Chapman of Great Hormead in the said county of Herford farmer their exors administrators and assigns upon the trusts and to and for the Interest and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared of and continueing this farm that is to say In trust that they and the survivor of them and the exors or advisors of such survivor shall and do as soon as convenient may after my decease call in all my said debts and convert all the said rest of my said personal estate and effects so bequeath in trust as aforesaid into money and then shall and do half out and invest all the then residue of the said trust estate and property in or upon some one as more of the parliamentary stocks or funds (yielding an annual dividend) or upon real securities and permit suffer or fully authorise and impower my said wife and her assigns to receive and take the interest dividends and proceeds thereof for and during the time of her natural life upon condition that she shall maintain educate and provide for my said two children and all and every of their child or children which she shall have or be [pregnant] with at my death in a suitable manner so long as they shall require such assistance from her and from and immediately after her decease then intrust to pay assign or transfer all the said residue of my said personal estate and all derivatives therein the same shall be then invested and all benefit advantage and improvement thereof and all the interest and dividends thereon which shall be due unreceived at the decease of my said wife unto my said two dear sons Thomas Porter Pottrell and John Pottrell and all and every of child or children Which my said Wife shall have or be [pregnant] with at the time of my Decease equally to be divided between them share and share alike and In case any one or more of them shall happen to die under the age of one And twenty years and unmarried then the part or share part or shares Of him or them and of every of them so dying shall go to and be equally to Divided amongst the survivors or survivor of my said children including? Those which may be however born as well those now living and if those Shall be but one such survivor then wholly to such survivor and thereby Decease that the points or shares of all and every such my children as aforesaid of and in the residue of my personal estates all be paid to the them respectively at their respective ages of one and twenty years in case my said wife shall be then dead but if they shall have attained that age at her decease then immediately after her decease and in case my said Wife shall die during the minority of all or any of my children then I direct my said trustees and the survivors of them his his exors and assigns to pay and apply the interest dividend and proceeds of the share or shares of such children respectively as the sum shall be received from time to time for few [Illegible] [Illegible] cloathing and [Illegible] expences of all and every such children until they shall respectively attain the ages of one and twenty years but in case all my children shall happen to die in the lifetime of my said Wife married and without leaving any lawful son then I give and bequeath all the said residue of my personal estates so devided to be invested as aforesaid and all benefit advantage and improve thereof unto my said Wife her exors administrators assigns for her and their own proper use and benefit and I direct my said trustees and the survivors of them his Exors and advisors to pay assign and transfer the same to her and them accordingly and I nominate constitute and appoint my said wife and the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman Executrix and exors of this my Will and Guardians of all my Children during their respective minorities with full power to do such things as Guardians [Illegible] may or ought to do and I give to each of them the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman who shall prove this my Will and take upon himself the execution of the trust hereof twenty pounds a piece to be retained by them out of the first monies which shall come to their hands as my Exors for their respective care and trouble in the execution of this my Will and my Will and meaning further are and hereby authorise and direct my said exors when ever they shall be requested by my said Wife and at their distrection after her decease to apply any part of the said residue of my said personal estate in placing out all or any of my children as Clarks pupils or apprentices in or to any trades Businesses professions or employments which they shall be respectively fit for or for their respective Instruction therein or otherwise for their respective use benefit and advantage as she my said Wife shall in her lifetime or as my said Exors or their survivor of them or the exors or administrators of such survivor shall after the decease of my said wife in her or his discretion think fit and whereas I am willing notwithstanding the directions which I have herein before given for [Illegible] the whole of my Stocks crops and their effocts into ready money as soon as may be after my decease that my said Wife shall and may (if she shall think proper proving that term of her natural life manage and carry on my Business of a farmer not only at the farm now in my Occupation at Foulmire aforesaid but also at the farms now in my occupation at Furneux Pelham aforesaid in the same manner I now carry on the same for the benefit of her my said Wife or for the benefit of herself and anyone or more of my Children and continue my said stocks crops Chattels Effects and personal estate hereinfore bequeathed in trust as aforesaid or somuch thereof as shall be necessary in carrying on such Business so long as she my said Wife shall think proper and also that my said trustees and the survivors of them his Exors or administrators shall and may (if they shall think proper) carry on my said Business of a farmer at any of my said farms from and after the decease of my said Wife (in case she shall die during the minorities of all or any of my said Children) for the benefit of such Children and continue my said stocks crops effects and personal estate therein before bequeathed to them in trust as aforesaid (or so much thereof as shall be necessary) in carrying on such Business so long as they my said trustees shall think proper during the minorities of all or any of my said Children now therefor not withstanding such decisions for sole of my said stocks chattels and effects and farming the same into money I hereby authorise and impower my said trustees and the survivors of them and the exors or advistors of such survivor to permit and suffer my said wife if she shall think proper request the same by any writing under her hand to marriage and carry on my said Business of a farmer in the same manner I was request the same and continue my said stocks chattels effects and personal estate herebefore bequeathed in trust as aforesaid (or to such thereof as shall be necessary from time to time in such farming Business for so long time as my said Wife shall think proper during her natural life and I also give the same power and authority to my said trustees and the survivors of them and the Exors or advisors of such survivor (if they shall think proper) from and after the decease of my said Wife (in case she shall die during the minority of all or any of my Children) to manage and carry on my said farming Business n the manner and at both or either of the places aforesaid and from time to time to employ such workers over or Managers of such Business as they my said Trustees shall think proper for the benefit of all my said Children and continue in such Business my [Illegible] stocks Chattels effects and personal estate (or so much as they shall think necessary from time to time) for so long time during the minorities of any of my children as they my said trustees shall think proper but subject and without prejudice to the trust before [Illegible] concerning the residue of my personal estate provided always and I thereby declare my Will to be that if my said shall shall at any time after my said children shall have attained their respective ages of one and twenty years to minded and [Illegible] that my said trustees should [Illegible] and pay all or any of my said trustees children any sum or sums of money by and out of the residue of my said personal estate for establishing them or any of them in any trade business or profession or otherwise for their advancement in the world and shall signify such her mind and desire to my said trustees or their survivors of them his exors or advisors by any writing under her hand then it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees and the survivor of them his Exors and advisors to advance and pay to such child or children such sum or sums of money out of the residue of my personal estate so bequeathed in trust as foresaid as she my said Wife shall so desire and request to be paid to or advanced for them respectively to as such sum or sums to be paid to such child or children shall not excercise the part or share which such child or children so receiving or being advanced shall be entitled to out of the residue of my personal estate by virtue of this my Will upon the decease of my said Wife and thereby declare that the money by paid to my said Children or any of them upon the request and by the desire of my said Wife in manner aforesaid shall be taken and considered by such Child or children so advanced as and for so much and on account of their respective points or shares of and in the residue of my personal estate which they would respectively become entitled to by virtue of this my Will from and after the decease of my said Wife in case I had not made this conditional provision for them and I give to my said Exors and trustees and the survivors and advisors of them full power and authority to compound or give any reasonable time for payment of any debt or debts which shall be due to me at my death on simple contract and to pay and debt which shall be chained from my estate on such residence as they shall think proper to admit and I also give to my said trustees and the survivor of them and the Exors or advisors of such survivor full power and authority from tiem to time to after charge and transpose the stocks funds and securities in which all and every or any of the monies hereby directed to by placed out shall be from time to time invested by virtue of this my will at their discretion so as the same trust would be kept out at whereof from time to time (until the same shall respectively become payable or transferable according to this my Will) or [Illegible] securities or parliamentary stock or funds yielding an annual dividend as aforesaid) and not on any personal security whatsoever subject more or less to the power and directions hereunto before contained as well for employing any part of the residue of my personal estate in carring on my said business of a farmer as for [Illegible] or administering to my said Chidlren all or any part of their share of and in the residue of my personal estate during the life of my said Wife they shall be requested to do by her in the manner herein before expressed in that behalf and my Will and meaning further are that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees hereinto before appointed and the survivor of them and the Exors and advisors of such survivors and all future trustees to be appointed in the manner and in the ??? hereinafter mentioned and their respective Exors and advisors in the first place to deduct and retain out of any monies which by virtue of this my Will shall come to their or any of their hand shall reasonable costs charges damages and expenses which they or any of them shall ensure sustain expend or be put into in or about the proving this my Will or the execution management and defence of the trusts hereby reposed in them respectively or any and every transertion matter and thing relating thereto and to retain from time to time all reasonably representative shall be charged or chargeable with or [Illegible] or accountable for any more monies therein what shall actually come to their respective hands by virtue of this my will [Illegible] for any Loss or Losses which may happen by depositing any other trust monies aforesaid in the bank or in the hands of any banker or other person of apparent responsibility for safe custody or in placing out the said trust monies or any part thereof in any [Illegible] such securities as are herebeforesaid in that behalf for any other loss and losses whatsoever which shall or may happen thereunto without their respective will or default nor for any Loss or loesses which may happen by or through the monies or this [Illegible] of any person or persons which they shall employ as Lookers over or managers of my farming business nor any one of them for the other or others of them but each and every one of them with and for his and their own desparate deeds receipts and payments only nor shall any of them be answerable or accountable for any loss which may happen by reason of any one or more of such trustees in trusting the other or others of them with any sum or sums of money or any part of my Goods Chattels or effects or joining in any receipt for money for the sake of conformity only provided also and my will and meaning further are that if any one or more of my said trustees or any future trustee or trustees to be appointed in [Illegible] hereof shall happen to die or be desirous to be discharged from the trust hereby [Illegible] in them or shall refuse or neglect or become incapable to [Illegible] in the trust aforesaid or shall go to reside beyond seas before all the trust of this my Will shall be fully executed and performed then and in every such case my surviving or continuing trustee shall and may (with the privity consent and approbation of my said wife during her life or at his own discretion after the decease of my said wife ) elect substitute and appoint from time to time any such person or persons as he shall think proper to be a trustee or trustees for the purposes aforesaid in the [Illegible] of him or them as dying or being desirous of being discharged or refusing or neglecting or becoming in capable to act or going to reside beyond seas as aforsaid and upon every such appointment all restocks funds and securities wherein the truste monies aforesaid shall be then invested shall from time to time be transferred and made over so and in such manner and form as that the same stocks funds and securities and the monies placed thereon be legally and effectually [Illegible] in him or them and the surviving or continuing trustee upon the [Illegible] trusts aforesaid but upon other trusts whatsoever and the parties so to be elected substituted and appointed shall have full power to act in the execution of this trust aforesaid as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if he or they had been by this my will originally named and appointed a trustee or trustees to the intent that they may be less or more proper trustees from tiem to time to manage and [Illegible] the trusts aforesaid and the costs and charges of ever such now appointment and transfer and every thing related thereto shall respond and discharged by the said trustees out of any of the trust monies which by virtue of this my Will shall come to their or any of their hands and lastly hereby revoking all former and other wills by me made I do declare this and this only to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Thomas Pottrell the testator have to this my last will and testament contained and written on six sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say to the first give sheets thereof my hand only and to this sixth and last sheet thereof my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and seven. Thomas Pottrell Esq signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Pottrell the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution thereof Richard Rickard of Furneux Pelham Herts farmer, William G Times of Much Hamham Herts Attorney at Law This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me Thomas Pottrell of Furneux Pelham in the county of Hertford Gentleman which will bear date on or about the twenty fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and seven whereas I have in and by my said Will appoint my sear wife Hannah Pottrell and Thomas Rickard and John Chapman therein named executrix and exors thereof and guardians of all my children during their respective minorities and also as to the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman trustees for the purposes in my said will expressed and being desirous of appointing other exors guardians and trustees in the will and shead of the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman do hereby revoke the appointment of the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman as such exors guardians and trustees and do nominate constitute and appoint my much asteemed friend Thomas Mask of Whittesford in the county of Cambridge gentleman and William Gorsuch Times of Much Hadham in the said County of Hertford Gentleman exors of my said Will and guardians of my said children jointly and together with my said wife as fully and no other person or persons had been by me originally in my said will constituted and appointed exors thereof and guardians of my said Children and the better to effectuate this my purpose and intention I do hereby give and bequeath all the goods chattels monies stocks funds personal estate and property which I have by my said Will given and bequeathed to the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman unto them the said Thomas Mask and William Gorsuch Times their exors admors and assigns nevertheless upon and for the several trusts and to and for the devision intents and purposes which in by my said Will are expressed or declared of and concerning my said trust personal estate and I do hereby also direct and declare that they the said Thomas Mask and William Gorsuch Times their exors admors and assigns shall have and exercise all such and the same powers and authorities within and directions for touching and concerning all my said trust estate and the interest dividends and proceed thereof which by my said Will were or would have been [Illegible] in the said Thomas Rickard and John Chapman in case they had survived me without my altering the same and also they the said Thomas Mask and William Gorusch Times their exors admors and assigns shall have and exercise the like powers authorities rules and directions for reimbursing and indemnifiying themselves as such exors and trustees and also for electing new trustees from time to time and for every other purpose of my said will as are therein expressed and contained and authorities rules and directions where in this codicil inserted and repeated also I do by this codicil revoke the legacies of twenty pounds a piece which I hereby by my said Will given to the siad Thomas Rickard and John Chapman and do give and bequeath to such of them the siad Thomas Mask and William Gorsuch Times in case they shall prove this my will and take upon them also the execution of the trust thereof the sum of fifty pounds to be retained by them out of any monies which shall come to their hands as my exors and with these additions I ratify and confirm my said will and everything therein contained which is hereby altered and revoked witness whereof the said Thomas Pottrell the testator have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of April in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen Thomas Pottrell signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Pottrell the testator as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of one another have subscribed our names as witnesses to the due exon thereof Thomas Samuel Mott, William Grimwood, Thomas Morris all of Much Hadham Herts

Proved at London (With a codicil) 16th November 1818 before the judge by the oaths of Hannah Pottrell widow the [Illegible] named in the Will and Thomas Mask and William Gorsuch Times the exors named in the said Codicil to whom admon was granted being first sworn (by common [Illegible] to administer.
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