People > Daisy Mary FIELDING

Overview Family Chronology
Born: 23/9/1882 in Royston, Hertfordshire, UK
Died: 12/8/1969 in Manor Park Hospital, Bristol
Immediate family
Father: Thomas FIELDING
Spouse: Leonard George POTTRELL

Spouse's parents Parents
Father: William POTTRELL  (1863 - 1917) Father: Thomas FIELDING  (Unknown - Unknown)
Mother: Elizabeth FLACK  (1872 - 1951) Mother:  
Leonard George POTTRELL Daisy Mary FIELDING
Born: 16/3/1892 in Chrishall, Essex Born: 23/9/1882 in Royston, Hertfordshire, UK
Baptised: Baptised:
Died: 14/2/1965 in Croydon Hospital, London Died: 12/8/1969 in Manor Park Hospital, Bristol
Buried Buried
Marriage records
Leonard George POTTRELL 3 Apr 1915 in Barley, Hertfordshire, England
Maurice Jack POTTRELL 1916 - 1980 (64)
Douglas Leonard POTTRELL 1920 - 1998 (78)
Spouse's known siblings Known siblings
Leonard George POTTRELL  (1892 - 1965, aged 73)
Albert Henry POTTRELL  (1893 - 1971, aged 77)
Daisy Mary FIELDING  (1882 - 1969, aged 86)
Type Date Event
Birth 23/9/1882 Daisy Mary FIELDING was born
Death 12/8/1969 Daisy Mary FIELDING died
Death 14/2/1965 Leonard George POTTRELL (Husband) died

The tabs above contain details for Daisy Mary FIELDING and was last updated on 1 Aug 2010, if you believe you are related to, or have additional/more accurate information for them please feel free to drop me an email.

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